Today, I’d like to answer this question I got from a few teachers: is the LanguagEd Day on 27 November going to be useful for the concorsi?
Indeed, some teachers are still waiting for their concorso ordinario and concorso straordinario bis oral exams. Some others are just wondering whether the day could be useful as preparation for future concorsi.
The short answer is: yes.
We know that there will be both teachers who are preparing for the concorso and teachers who have already passed it or are not doing a concorso at all, so we have made sure the day caters for all these teachers.
Here are 7 ways the LanguagEd Day can help you pass your concorso:
1. It focuses on lesson planning
All the talks are concerned with different aspects of lesson planning, from structuring a lesson with the coursebook to using activities for oral skills, to mixing frameworks. This will help you understand how to plan a lesson more quickly and easily and with a clear rationale.
2. The sessions are tailored for secondary school
Because our audience is 99% school teachers, the speakers have customised the sessions so that they are useful for middle and high school students. This also means low and mixed levels, with reference to A1, A2 and B1 levels. These are the levels and types of students covered in the concorso tasks.

3. You get the right mix of theory and practice
As you know, the presentations you will have to do for the concorso (and/or any future essays or exams for future concorsi, if the past exams are anything to go by) are based on your understanding of the theory and your use of the theory to justify your teaching practice. In the LanguagEd Day, the speakers will present some theory and use it to justify their teaching tips.
4. There is a focus on assessment and learning outcomes
Various sessions, including especially André’s Making Learning Visible through Aims, Assessment and Outcomes, include an explicit focus on how to reach your learning outcomes and how to assess them. This is part of what you will be required to do at the exam.
5. You get free access to the LanguagEd self-study courses
For 27 November only, you’ll get a one day free pass to try the LanguagEd self-study courses, which are all specifically tailored for the concorsi and have helped hundreds of teachers pass the concorsi and gain their qualifications.
6. You can use all the videos and materials for a year
All the sessions are recorded and all the speakers will make their slides and worksheets available: you get to enjoy access to all these materials for a year, so it becomes a mini-course for you!
7. There is a focus on easy and practical teaching ideas
There’s no way around it: with the concorso being the way they are, you have little time to prepare and need to think on your feet. During the LanguagEd Day, you will learn dozens of easy to implement teaching ideas. You will then be able to apply them easily to your exam task when the day comes.

I hope this answers your question. If you’d like to join us on 27 November and/or watch all the video recordings later, register now!