Oral exam rubrics for concorso ordinario: guidance and example

As you may know, some people have recently been taking their oral exams for the concorso ordinario.

I have viewed about a dozen different tasks and my impressions are that:

  1. There’s a wide range in how broad topics are: for example, a rubric had “talking about online activities” as a topic, which seems a lot broader than, for example, a rubric focusing on a specific piece of literature, such as Macbeth.
  2. Task rubrics also differ in terms of the number of parameters they specify: some include specific parameters (e.g. a student has just arrived from Ukraine and speaks English quite fluently; the class is 2nd year lower secondary), some do not.
  3. There is a focus on technology in the sense of incorporating technology and digital tools in your lesson. So, if you decide to use textbook materials, try also to incorporate some tech in your lesson and make sure you explain your rationale for it.
  4. So far, I have seen no explicit references to Unità d’apprendimento.
  5. Some tasks make explicit references to aspects you need to consider in your presentation, for example:

Nella presentazione dovrà esplicitarsi la progettazione di un’attività didattica, comprensiva di:

  • Indicazioni normative
  • Il contesto educativo
  • Finalità e obiettivi educativi e didattici
  • La descrizione delle attività da svolgere
  • L’allestimento degli spazi
  • La durata prevista
  • I materiali e gli strumenti adottati (con esempi anche di utilizzo pratico delle tecnologie digitali).
  • Metodologie impiegate nella conduzione dei gruppi, se l’attività è prevista in forma laboratoriale.
  • Le strategie di personalizzazione.
  • Le modalità e gli strumenti per la verifica e la valutazione.

Even if these points are not mentioned explicitly, I would still recommend considering them in your presentation because they are all important to show you have thought critically and carefully about your choices.

How can I organise my presentation?

Good news: we have a free downloadable template that you can use to go over the points outlined above!

Download it:

Example: An AB24 task

Here is an interesting example of a task rubric for AB24:

Outline the plan of an activity to introduce and contextualize the novel Clarissa by Samuel Richardson.

Choose an excerpt to present the book to the class and elicit personal response, taking into consideration the author’s style, vocabulary and key themes.

Decide the type of school, the class, the average CEFR level of the students for whom you are preparing the materials.

Illustrate your choices of content, teaching approaches and teaching strategies.

Present your activity using digital technologies and an innovative approach.

How to go about it? Well, you can complete this whole task with the help of our course Teaching Literature in the Language Classroom! Here are some examples of units that will teach you how to complete it:

Unit 2: Approaches to teaching literature

  • Part 3: Personal Response and Reader Response

Unit 3: From theory to practice: Comprehensive Approach and literature in the CEFR

  • Part 1: A comprehensive approach to L2 literature teaching
  • Part 2: Literature in the CEFR
  • Part 3: Practical principles of instruction

Unit 4: Classroom procedures

  • Part 2: Stimulating learners’ interest in literary texts
  • Part 3: Maintaining learners’ interest

Unit 6: Working with genres: short stories, novels, poetry, drama

  • Part 2: Working with genres: Novels

Unit 7: Multimodal literature

  • Part 2: Multimodality in language teaching
  • Part 3: Pedagogical principles
  • Expansion task: evaluating an extended lesson plan

Unit 8: Assessment

  • Part 2: Assessment and the CEFR
  • Part 3: Pedagogical principles and tasks

Curious? Try our course for free:

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3 thoughts on “Oral exam rubrics for concorso ordinario: guidance and example”

  1. It’s very helpful. It would be very useful to have an example of AB25 task when it is possible. It’s hard to understand what we are supposed to do actually at the oral test.

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